Reading Civic Society

Reading Civic Society is an independent, voluntary organisation that has been working to promote pride in our town, improve our built environment and celebrate our heritage since 1962.

Activities & Projects

Drawing of Jane Austen c. 1810 by Cassandra Austen. Credit: National Portrait Gallery London

Jane Austen 250 – Commemorative Plaque

The Reading Civic Society is working with Reading Borough Council and Reading Museum to actively source funding for a commemorative plaque that is to be located on the east side of the Abbey Gateway. It will replace the incorrectly sited, inaccessible and almost illegible brass plaque which is in a locked garden behind the west … Read more

Children building models

LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading Station

This is a creative learning programme that uses the transport terminal of Reading Station to inform, and inspire, some 600 Primary Schools students every year.

Planning & Conservation in Reading

This section provides information, advice and news about planning projects around Reading. There’s also useful information which will be helpful if you’re applying for planning application within a Conservation Area, or if you’re concerned about how to protect the area in which you live.

A bit about the Civic Society

Reading is proud to call itself the biggest town in England, and we consider it to be among the best places in the country for a good work-life balance offering good housing, community services and green public spaces along with our two beautiful waterways – The River Thames and the Kennet and Avon canal. Reading has excellent transport services, entertainment venues and business opportunities.

The Civic Society is a Registered Charity – no. 263959.