Activities & Projects
Look Draw Build @ Reading Station
This is a creative learning programme that uses the transport terminal of Reading Station to inform, and inspire, some 600 Primary Schools students every year.
Planning & Conservation in Reading
This section provides information, advice and news about planning projects around Reading. There’s also useful information which will be helpful if you’re applying for planning application within a Conservation Area, or if you’re concerned about how to protect the area in which you live.
A bit about the Civic Society
Reading is proud to call itself the biggest town in England, and we consider it to be among the best places in the country for a good work-life balance offering good housing, community services and green public spaces along with our two beautiful waterways – The River Thames and the Kennet and Avon canal. Reading has excellent transport services, entertainment venues and business opportunities.
The Civic Society is a Registered Charity – no. 263959.