kids creating cardboard models

LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading Station 2025 will be running throughout March in 11 participating primary schools in our town. This year the Programme has been sponsored by a number of charities, engineering and architectural businesses who provide funding, manpower and expertise.

The objective of the programme, delivered by ARCHI-adventure, in partnership with the Reading Civic Society, is to encourage young children to connect with architecture and the public space. You can find more information on our website about this programme which has been running since 2022.

More about the programme, which is now in its third year, and our amazing partners and sponsors who provide funding, manpower and expertise, can be found here.

LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading Station 2025 will be running throughout March in 11 participating primary schools in our town.

On 27 March the Mayor of Reading, Cllr Glenn Dennis, will be the principal guest at an event to be held at Haslams Estate Agents, Friar Street, where the results of the 2025 competition will be announced. The winning designs will have been chosen by a panel, formed of professional engineers and architects and representatives from GWR, Weston & Co Architects, STANTEC and Mott Macdonald, who will consider 18 model Railway Stations submitted by classes from 11 schools. They will use set criteria to evaluate and rank each model, ultimately deciding which ones will receive the Gold, Silver or Bronze awards. The Oracle Shopping Centre have agreed that on Saturday 29 March to hold an exhibition about the project, and the 3 winning models. It will be next to the escalators near the jewellery stores as you walk in from Minster Street.

Extending down the Main Line

This March events in Reading mark the end of phase one of the 2025 programme. In April and May, for the first time, we will deliver the project to 10 schools in Bristol having been encouraged to extend our reach by Network Rail.