The Civic Society has the aim of supporting people to be active citizens and to contribute positively to our town. We do this in many ways, but one of our major activities is LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading Station. This is a creative learning programme that uses the transport terminal of Reading Station to inform, and inspire, some 450 Primary Schools students every year. During a classroom-based modelling workshop, led by architects and engineers, the children are guided and supported to build their own railway station.
The objective of the programme, delivered by ARCHI-adventure, in partnership with the Reading Civic Society, is to encourage young children to connect with architecture and the public space.
The Civic Society was approached to see if we wished to support an initiative by Gemma Solanellas, of Archi-Adventure, who had moved from Caversham to her home city of Barcelona. Gemma had acquired £4,000 Community Funding from Great Western Railways for a project to engage Primary School Children (years 5/6) in the architecture of buildings, specifically that of stations. We thought it sounded a great project and said yes immediately.
The project was delivered for the first time in 2022 with around 450 children in 15 classes at 9 Primary Schools in Reading who built 150 model stations. The programme was funded by Great Western Railways and our Gold Sponsor of Haslams Estate Agents. Delivery partners were Stantec, Weston & Co Architects and architect Matt Andrews. Resources for the schools provided for free thanks to funding from Great Western Railway (GWR) and Haslams Estate Agents.
Schools have told us that many of their children have not been to a station and certainly not on a train. An important part of the project therefore is the visit to Reading Station for the participating classes. The programme funds the children’s transport when necessary. The visits are hosted by the Senior Accessibility Manager at GWR. The children are shown how to navigate a complex station like Reading, how to purchase tickets, use timetables and most importantly to understand the importance of safety around and on the railway.
In 2024 we delivered the programme to 10 schools across Reading, including 2 SEN schools during May. Our delivery partners were Stantec, Ridge & Partners, Weston & Co Architects. Other volunteers include a graduate architect and a graduate sculptor from Edinburgh University, a former Deputy Head of an SEN school, members of the Civic Society and a Consultant Project/ IT manager. In 2023, the programme was delivered to 540 children in 18 classes at 10 schools. It was funded by Great Western Railways, sponsored by Haslams Estate Agents and supported by Network Rail, Stantec, Ridge, Weston & Co Architects, and Ways and Means Trust.
LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading Station 2025

The 2025 programme will be running throughout March in 11 participating primary schools, 18 classes.
We are delighted to have been awarded grants of £8,000 from the Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious Awards Follow on Fund, £3,000 from The Earley Charity, (we have to reach schools in their area of benefit) and £3,000 from Network Rail.
A number of engineering and architectural businesses (as shown in the logo above), are providing their young STEM Ambassadors to assist us to deliver the workshops in schools.
As in all previous years the programme is managed by the Civic Society and ARCHI-Adventure.
On 27 March the Mayor of Reading, Cllr Glenn Dennis, will be the principal guest at an event at Haslams Estate Agents where the results of the 2025 competition will be announced. The top three designs will have been chosen by a panel, formed of professional engineers and architects and representatives from GWR, Weston & Co Architects, STANTEC, Mott Macdonald & Ridge & Partners. They will have evaluated information submitted by teachers about the 18 model railway stations submitted by classes from the 11 schools. They will use set criteria to evaluate and rank each model, ultimately deciding which ones will receive the Gold, Silver or Bronze awards.
We are delighted to report at on 29th March The Oracle Shopping Centre have agreed to our holding an exhibition about the project along with the 3 winning models on 29 March.
Extending along the main line to Bristol
At the end of the 2024 Reading programme we were asked by Network Rail to consider delivering this project in Bristol as they were looking to engage children in the area about the several new stations they are building. So for the first time, in 2025, we will also deliver to 10 schools across Bristol, during April and May.
For more detailed information on the programme, including a video, go to LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading Station (ARCHI-adventure).
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