Hold the Date – 2025 AGM

This year’s Reading Civic Society Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at 14.00 on Saturday 15th March 2025. The Chair and other members of the Society will provide an update on Society activities, plans and finances and this year will introduce the new section of the website displaying and detailing Heritage Plaques located around the town.

We will also brief about the plans to erect a stone plaque to Jane Austen on the inner East wall of the Abbey Gateway, this will replace the hard to see wrongly sited brass plaque. We will seek donations at the event towards this project.

As always the AGM will be followed by a Key Note Speaker and this year we have been very lucky in securing Tony Page, our former councillor and Mayor of Reading, Tony had the honour of being the longest-serving councillor of a town in southern England, fifty years, when he announced his stepping down in May 2024, following which he joined Reading Civic Society. He will share his years of experience in a talk he has named ‘Planning in Reading: Reflections on Successes and Failures over 50 years’. He plans to cover a broad sweep of the issues and challenges he met during his term as councillor and no doubt some of the amazing voluntary groups he met during his Mayoralty, he plans to conclude with an update about Reading Gaol.

The AGM will be held in the Garden Hall of Watlington House, entrance through the garden gates on South Street. The formal business will start at 2pm and Tony’s talk around 2:45pm. Arrival from 1:45pm. This is an open meeting so anyone may attend, though non members may not vote in the formal business.

More details will follow.