In 2024, the 3rd year of the project, we delivered the programme to 10 schools across Reading, including 2 SEN schools, during May. Our delivery partners were Stantec, Ridge & Partners, Weston & Co Architects. Other volunteers include a graduate architect and a graduate sculptor from Edinburgh University, a former Deputy Head of an SEN school, members of the Civic Society and a Consultant Project/ IT manager.

We were delighted to have been awarded grants of £3,600 from both the NHLF and the Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious Awards. Haslams Estate Agents were Gold Sponsor for the 3rd year providing £1,500.
For more detailed information on the programme, including a video, go to LOOK DRAW BUILD @ Reading Station (ARCHI-adventure).
In 2023, the programme was delivered to 540 children in 18 classes at 10 schools. It was funded by Great Western Railways, sponsored by Haslams Estate Agents and supported by Network Rail, Stantec, Ridge, Weston & Co Architects, and Ways and Means Trust.